How to Build a Transitional House

The Rogers Home is Toronto’s first specialized housing program for young, female survivors of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, as they transition towards a more autonomous life. In addition to stable housing, it provides its residents – up to 7 women aged 16 to 24 - with community-based trauma counselling and addictions treatment, as well as educational and vocational assistance to help them to reclaim their lives.

Discussing the housing model, its challenges and promises, is Julie Neubauer, Manager of Human Trafficking at the Covenant House.


Julie Neubauer

portrait photo of presenter Julie Neubauer As manager of Covenant House Toronto’s Human Trafficking Services, Julie provides support and supervision to the agency’s 3 HT/SE advocates, as they manage an active case load of 47. Since July of 2015, they have provided case management and direct support to over 120 survivors of human trafficking. Julie is responsible for the implementation of two specialized crisis beds for survivors of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation within their Residential Crisis shelter, which, since opening in October of 2015, has provided services to 51 young women.
In September of 2016, Julie and her team opened Covenant House’s transitional housing program for young women, The Rogers Home. This home provides housing and trauma-informed case management to 7 young women who have experienced HT/SE.

Julie worked as a Sexual Health Educator/Counsellor at The House-Community Health Centre before joining Covenant House 16 years ago. She is an accredited Ontario teacher and holds a Bachelors of Education from University of Toronto and a Masters of Education-Gender Studies from University of London, England.

Julie values the daily reminders of the passion and integrity of the people who work in the field of HT/SE and of the power, strength and resiliency of the young people they serve.