Aboriginal Women & Girls and the Continuum between Gender-Based Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking
Dr. Dawn Lavell-Harvard
Director of First People’s House of Learning at Trent University, Dawn is a proud member of the Wikwemikong First Nation, committed to the advancement of the rights of Aboriginal women. Having served as President of the Ontario Native Women's Association for 12 years, Dawn’s commitment to the empowerment of aboriginal women and their families continues the spirit of mother’s work, Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, an iconic advocate for Indigenous women’s rights. Dawn is herself a mother of three girls. The subject of women and motherhood is also poignantly woven in the original volume on Indigenous Mothering, “Until Our Hearts Are on the Ground: Aboriginal Mothering, Oppression, Resistance and Rebirth”, which she co-edits, as well as her recent book, co-edited with Kim Anderson: “Mothers of the Nations.”